The holidays are our favourite. It’s not so much the gift giving, the santa claus, the warm drinks, the lights, the music (love off-key belting out the songs in the car), or even the crispness in the air. It is the spirit of coming together through it all—a sense of community. And as adults paying a strong mind to the environment in many of our actions, we’re also re-analyzing what it means to buy things for one another, even when it can be fabulous and fun to watch gifts build up under the tree, and to spend hours opening them.
We can look forward to, and feel good about, sharing time and sharing stories with one another during the holiday season. And the gift of stories fits so well in that. FOLKLIFE features a way of living that is so close to the earth, with intention, and with creativity: stories of the people and things you have come to love about living on the west coast. And you can give the gift of these stories! Consider the win-win situation of gifting these stories in a keepsake magazine, which in turn supports something local and new. It can be the gift of the inaugural edition of FOLKLIFE, a subscription to the inaugural year of FOLKLIFE, or even the gift of coming together for our launch event in April! With this gift purchase, your loved one will receive a complimentary holiday card from us outlining the purchase plus a personalized message from you.
Tis the season to give! If you consider buying, please consider buying art, buying stories, and buying local! We got your back for the holiday season. Go to our online shop to purchase.
