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Writer's pictureFOLKLIFE


As with the seasons, each space in time has been dedicated to a small portion of what it takes to make a magazine. As this is new to all of us, it has come about organically, deciding what feels right to happen this month and then this one and then this one. The summer was business planning , social media, and consultations. A whole lot of consultations. The first part of fall was website, kickstarter, media kit, and photo shoots while connecting with other islanders. The second part of fall was editorial. Focusing on the content, the stories, the photographs, and the advertising. Once we broke down the schedule, we realized that we’d have to have all of the editorial content to to design for December 15, so he could have three months to make it beautiful before going to press. WHOA. But thing is, we can make anything happen. We’ve been proud of our ability to focus on doing one thing (that we dont now how to do), and then the next (that we dont know how to do), knowing that we will make the time for all the other things. For if we were to deal with them all at once, we’d be spinning our wheels (as I found out early on). And there would also be no work/life balance. So, with the help of so many people, we’re in out last 5 days of putting together the heart of the magazine. And if you’ve read this far - you get a treat! A glimpse into the first issue: from a life in herbalism to the water in beer. And from lighthouse keeping to recording award-winning bands. From healing the house and the home to building a community around house and home. These are just some aspects of the first edition of FOLKLIFE. It has taken a lot to get it all together. And a lot of people in the process. And we are thankful. You know who you are. And in a week’s time, we’ll be onto our next steps: party planning and distribution! The entire project has been a huge learning experience, especially around editorial content, and one that we didn’t know we had to learn (and that Im not sure we wanted to learn). But that’s okay, because whatever it is, it’s going to rock. Positive thinking, manifesting only good. Thanks for sharing on this journey!

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