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Writer's pictureFOLKLIFE

Hibernation Preparation

Updated: Sep 13, 2019

The changing of the seasons means so many things. A loss of sun and swimming and people gathering. A loss of farmers' markets and new faces and friends visiting from far away. These are just some examples.

But in loss comes the new.

New orange on the trees and the ground. A new chill in the air. New sweaters to don and maybe even new wood in the stove. New hope for a slowing down—for hibernation preparation (ooh that rhymes) in what will be another dark winter in the pacific northwest.

New excitement for the annual studio tour on Gabriola Island which has over 80 artists opening their doors and inviting strangers in with art and hot cider and snacks and a whole lot of cheer. All of the winter holidays are rays of a new and different kind of light amidst what can be a very dark time. And with a change of seasons comes the realization of how time passes so very quickly. We haven’t posted in quite some time and we know we should be. Marketing is an ongoing thing. It never ends. We should be sharing with you constantly. We know how to do it. And yet we don't.

So here we are, sharing with you to say that with the loss of the summer comes a new chapter for FOLKLIFE. September has been in our minds as the month that we buckle down and start listening to stories. That starts today with our first interview. But September is also the month of the Kickstarter campaign that we’re launching. And boy, has September come fast.

If you’re reading this, you found out about FOLKLIFE through knowing the people involved, or organically, for we have not really reached out to strangers just yet. We are not ready. There is this and this and this to do. And this and this and this. Never ready in a world of new business.

So here we are, sharing with you what the new month of September has brought. We love sweaters and the chill and the orange and the fire’s warmth. It has all come on so fast. And we’re so excited to share with you the Kickstarter campaign - our pre-subscriber drive.That being said, filming the video was a SLOG. We spent the day with Jules Molloy of Close to the Sun Productions and sat there for hours trying to tell the camera what FOLKLIFE is. We say it every day and yet it was so hard. Do any of you ever experience an inability to talk in public or in front of a camera? Miraculously, Jules was able to turn it into something watchable (as only a professional could do).

So here we are, kissing the summer away, and rolling into the new dark territory that is autumn. Autumn, which features new FOLKLIFE light that we're only too excited and nervous bathe in. Thanks for reading, you lovely folks.

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